Our local school district partners are an integral part of the success of the Terrapin Teachers program.
Photo: Left to right: Miya Page, sixth grade, science, Paint Branch Elementary School; Montre’ Robinson-Swain, third grade, math, Cool Spring Elementary School; Danielle Spisak, fifth grade, science, Cool
Spring Elementary School.
Prince George's County Public Schools
- Adelphi Elementary School
- Berwyn Heights Elementary School
- College Park Academy
- Cool Spring Elementary School
- Hyattsville Elementary School
- Hyattsville Middle School
- Lamont Elementary School
- Lewisdale Elementary School
- Nicholas Orem Middle School
- Paint Branch Elementary School
- Springhill Lake Elementary School
Montgomery County Public Schools
Photo: Left to right; Holly Riley, Northwester High School and Juan Foreman, College Park Academy, participated in the Learning Community Day for collaborating teachers. Teachers performed the tasks with the lens of teachers and student learners.
Collaborating TEACHERS
Local public school teachers work closely with our undergraduates to develop inquiry-based lessons in science and math. Teachers provide constructive feedback to help undergraduates build upon their knowledge base.
NCTM Illuminations--National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; lessons and interactive applications for K-12 mathematics students
Common Core Mathematics Standards--Use this website to access the Maryland Common Core Mathematics Standards and Mathematical Practices.
Mathematics Assessment Project—math lessons and tasks (middle/high)
- Chapin, S., O’Connor, C., & Anderson, N. (2013). Classroom discussions in math: A teacher’s guide for using talk moves to support the Common Core and more. Sausalito, CA: Scholastic.