Terrapin Teachers Scholarship Opportunities

If you’ve ever considered teaching STEM, there are scholarships available.


Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship

The Teaching Fellows for​ Maryland Scholarship is awarded to students who pledge to work as public school or public prekindergarten teachers in Maryland upon completion of their studies at schools that have at least 50% of the students in the school eligible for free or r​educed-price meals (FRPM).​

To learn how to apply, click here.


Terrapin Teachers Noyce Scholarship

Could you inspire the next generation of science and math students? The Noyce Scholarship program supports undergraduate and graduate students majoring in science or mathematics, and pursuing a career in Secondary STEM education. 

To learn how to apply, click here.

Contact Information


Anisha Campbell, Ph.D

Associate Director

E: amcamp10@umd.edu

P: 301-405-0094


Jahaira Dixon, M.A.

Program Management Specialist

E: jsdixon@umd.edu

P: 301-405-0645