A Welcome Aboard to Dr. Caren Chang and Farewell to Dr. Arthur Popper
/Photo credit: Dr. Caren Chang
Dr. Caren Chang assumed the position of Co-Director July 1, 2018. Dr. Chang is a professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, UMD. Since joining the faculty in 1994, Dr. Chang has been conducting research to understand how plant hormones work at the molecular and cellular levels. Her interest in Terrapin Teachers is based on her desire to strengthen K-12 STEM education to enhance scientific literacy in the general public and to be involved in developing great teachers who will be inspiring future generations of STEM scholars. Dr. Chang will provide supervision and support for the Terrapin Teachers program and serve as a liaison between the program and faculty collaborations in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS).
Terrapin Teachers would like to give a special thank you and farewell to Dr. Arthur N. Popper for his years of service and dedication to the Terrapin Teachers program and the UMD. Dr. Popper was the first CMNS Co-Director when the program began in 2014. Over the past five years, he worked closely with the COE Co-Director of Terrapin Teachers, Dr. Chazan, in organizing and running the program and he has served as the liaison to the CMNS, assisted with fundraising efforts and served as the editor for the Terrapin Teachers newsletter. Dr. Popper will be missed in the day-to-day activities; however, he will continue to support Terrapin Teachers by serving on the advisory board and as the editor-at-large of the newsletter.
Photo credit: Dr. Arthur N. Popper