And the award goes to......
/On December 14, 2016, the Terrapin Teachers program was the recipient of the “Make a Difference” award from the Office of Community Engagement. The purpose of the award is to recognize those who have helped the Office of Community Engagement achieve its goals to connect the University with the wider and diverse surrounding community. It is bestowed to community partners, supporters, and University departments, units, faculty, staff, and students. The Terrapin Teachers program was awarded for our commitment to connecting the program with many of the school in Prince George's County as we continue to strive for academic excellence in our surrounding schools.
2016 Maryland Mathematics and Science Institute (MMSI)
/The University of Maryland (UMD) was pleased to host the sixth Maryland Mathematics and Science Institute (MMSI). This week-long summer continuing education course for PDS mathematics and science teachers serving grades 9–12 was co-hosted by the Department of Mathematics, theTerrapin Teachers program, and the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.
Participants engaged in authentic science and math learning through interactions with UMD researchers and hands-on activities grounded in NGSS and Common Core content standards and standards for practice.
Dr. Sylvester James Gates Jr. delivered the keynote presentation. Dr. Gates is a Distinguished University Professor in the UMD Department of Physics and serves on the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.