Terrapin Teachers Stands Against Racial Injustice

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Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.
— Michelle Obama

For resources, visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

2019 Maryland Math and Science Institute (MMSI)

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Terrapin Teachers co-hosted the 2019 Maryland Mathematics and Science Institute (MMSI) from June 24-27, 2019. The institute was in collaboration with faculty from the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS).  Teachers from local schools in Prince George’s County and Montgomery County participated in lectures and discussions with UMD faculty. The morning sessions focused on cutting-edge research. The afternoon sessions were facilitated by TT Master Teachers.  Activities concentrated on pedagogical strategies that could be implemented in their classrooms.

Terrapin Teachers would like to give a very special thank you to all of the CMNS faculty who presented during the four-day workshop.  Listed below are the names of each speaker.

Dr. Wiseley Wong, Department of Mathematics, “Walks, Colors, and Pigeons: An Introduction to Graph Theory”

Dr. Larry Washington, Department of Mathematics, “How to Share Secrets: An Introduction to Cryptography”

Dr. Frances Gulick, Department of Mathematics, “Geometry on the Sphere”

Dr. Denny Gulick, Department of Mathematics, “A Little Chaos Goes a Long Way!”

Dr. Wolfgang Losert, Department of Physics, “Cell Dynamics”

Dr. Gerald Wilkinson, Department of Biology, “10 Amazing Facts About Bats”

Dr. Cerruti Hooks, Department of Entomology, : Deploying Strategies and Tactics Used in a Sporting Event to Manage Insect Pests”

Dr. Arthur N. Popper, Department of Biology  “Wind Farms, Oil Exploration, Shipping, and Fishes”

Dr. Vincent Lee, Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics, “Signaling Nucleotides and Its Intersection with RNA Degradation”

Dr. Kan Cao, Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics, “The Science Behind Skin Aging”

Dr. Tim Canty, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science,  "Weather and Climate: Science or Hoax"

Dr. Ross Salawitch, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, “Relating Greenhouse Gas Emission to Global Warming”

Dr. Michael Raupp, Department of Entomology, “What a Warming World Means to Plants, Insects, and Their Natural Enemies”

Maryland Day 2019

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TT participated in the university-sponsored Maryland Day event held on April 27, 2019.  Our undergraduates shared “real-life” experiences about teaching with parents and prospective UMD students.  The day was filled with fun and laughter. There was a line of students and parents wrapped around the tent, all of whom were interested in winning Terrapin Teachers swag. In order to spin the “Wheel of Goodies,” participants had to answer math or science-based questions correctly.  The level of difficulty increased based on the participants' level of education. Winners walked away with Terrapin Teachers swag that included t-shirts, water bottles, notebooks, stickers, pens, and drawstring bags.