Maryland Day 2019

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TT participated in the university-sponsored Maryland Day event held on April 27, 2019.  Our undergraduates shared “real-life” experiences about teaching with parents and prospective UMD students.  The day was filled with fun and laughter. There was a line of students and parents wrapped around the tent, all of whom were interested in winning Terrapin Teachers swag. In order to spin the “Wheel of Goodies,” participants had to answer math or science-based questions correctly.  The level of difficulty increased based on the participants' level of education. Winners walked away with Terrapin Teachers swag that included t-shirts, water bottles, notebooks, stickers, pens, and drawstring bags. 

Terrapin Teachers Student Ambassador Events

Left to right: Joshua Pooranmal (computer science, '20); Samhita Chundury (bioengineering, '21); Precious Azike (biological sciences, '20)

Left to right: Joshua Pooranmal (computer science, '20); Samhita Chundury (bioengineering, '21); Precious Azike (biological sciences, '20)

The Terrapin Teachers Student Ambassador Program is a yearlong internship that offers Terrapin Teachers students the opportunity to become more involved in the program’s recruiting and marketing efforts. During the fall 2018 semester, the TT Student Ambassadors hosted several activities. The goals of the events were to promote the TT initiative and recruit potential students who may be interested in enrolling in our first course, Inquiry Teaching of STEM in Elementary School (TLPL 101).

Ice Cream Social: Share Something Sweet with Your Fellow Future Educators!

On October 5, 2018, undergraduates currently enrolled in TT courses shared experiences about the impact of the courses and highlights from their fieldwork. Students played games and enjoyed tasty treats.

Free Professional Headshots

Students typically apply for various scholarships and internships during the fall semester. On October 12, 2018, TT offered students an opportunity to receive a free photo (headshot) to include in their application package. While promoting the event around campus, TT Student Ambassadors talked to their peers about the TT initiative and encouraged them to enroll in our introductory course, TLPL 101.

Alexandra Wright (mathematics, '22) smiles for the camera during the Free Professional Headshots event.

Alexandra Wright (mathematics, '22) smiles for the camera during the Free Professional Headshots event.

Tie Dye & Game Night

Word-of-mouth has been an essential recruitment tool for Terrapin Teachers.  At the beginning of the fall semester, each TT student was given a shirt with the question, “Ask Me About Terrapin Teachers?” on the front. As a result, several students found themselves engaged in conversations with their peers and professors about the program.    

On December 6, 2018, TT hosted a tie-dye event to allow TT students to add color to their white t-shirts. Participants decorated their shirts while enjoying games (cards, board games, Mario Kart, etc.), music, and pizza.

De-stress With Terrapin Teachers

On December 11, 2018, TT Student Ambassadors hosted a yoga event in Eppley Recreation Center to help UMD students de-stress during the exam period.

Left to right: Samhita Chundury (bioengineering, '21), Joshua Pooranmal (computer science, '20), Peter Mielke (physics, '20), Lehka Tantry (mathematics, '19), unknown, unknown, Precious Azike (biological sciences, '20), and unknown

Left to right: Samhita Chundury (bioengineering, '21), Joshua Pooranmal (computer science, '20), Peter Mielke (physics, '20), Lehka Tantry (mathematics, '19), unknown, unknown, Precious Azike (biological sciences, '20), and unknown